Sangley Naval Station

If you would like to post information on a Reunion related to Sangley Naval Station, send me a
Email with
Sangley Reunion posted in the subject line and info of your reunion in your Email.
I will be happy to post this information and keep it updated over time, as you send the information in.

I'm involved with a group of Former Sailors from Sangley Point. 
Most were assigned to Boat Ops. We will have our...

 3rd  Reunion
Las Vegas, Nevada

Palace Station Hotel Casino
September  20  thru  24,  2004

It's great fun if you are interested. If so, get in touch.

Contact Larry Hamilton via
1400 Foremaster Lane, Las Vegas, Neveda, 89101

Sangley Point
Crash Crew and Security Reunion

Anyone who was stationed at Sangley in 1967, 68, and 69, and might know some people from
Security and Crash Crew. There are 7 or 8 already confirmed and maybe more later. We will
have a few San Miguels--really--and BS for a couple days.Guys only, it appears.
The wives won't get that close to that many old salts.
We will meet at the...

Admiralty of Plantation Oaks, Suites and Inn
Millington, TN
March 4,5, and 6, 2005

Contact: Steve McCrary, 417-626-9322

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